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Horseshoe League

The BRG Six-Pack Horseshoe League is held on Thursday nights and runs for 9 weeks in the spring and again in the fall. To participate in the league just show up on the first night of the season. This is an informal league. 



The league is officially 8 weeks long with 1 week of make-up games. You can make up a maximum of 2 weeks to be eligible for placement and prize money.


Fall Season starts August 29, 2024



$7.00 a week or pay up front $56.  NOTE: You must pay for all weeks even if you miss them.



Each week you play with a different partner based on the drawing of cards - no selection of partners. If there are an odd number of players you may have to play both ends of the pits. 


Scores are kept for individuals not teams and tallied weekly. 



Cash prizes are awarded to the top 3 scores and your names go down in history on the Horseshoe League plaque displayed in the clubhouse. 



For info contact Heath Grimes 774-200-1574 or Sharron O'Day 774-200-3303




Horseshoes in the Snow (hopefully) Held on a Saturday February of each year


For info Contact Heath Grimes 774-200-1574 or Sharron O'Day 774-200-3303

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